20 Elements of a Wikipedia Content Partnership

As Wikipedia grows and evolves, so does its importance as a platform for collaboration between various entities. One such form of collaboration is content partnerships. These partnerships, though promising, come with a plethora of considerations to ensure the integrity, value, and mission of Wikipedia is upheld. The following list presents 20 core elements that are pivotal when crafting, executing, and evaluating a content partnership with any company. These elements are categorized under four main headers: COMPANY, COLLECTION, CHARGE, and CAMPAIGN. Each element poses a question or consideration that must be addressed for a successful collaboration.


  1. COI: How is Conflict of Interest the same and different with this entity?

  2. COPYRIGHT: Does copyright limit the partnership?

  3. COMPATIBILITY: What is the ethical compatibility of this company with Wikimedia's mission?

  4. COMMERCIAL: Are there commercial or marketing desires that conflict with promotional and advocacy rules?

  5. CATASTROPHE: What is the catastrophic scenario that would lead to getting dragged to COI/N or media blowback coverage and how are you prepared?


  1. CONTENT: Is there community appetite for this content?

  2. CONTRIBUTIONS: Are there ways to mass upload contributions?

  3. COORDINATION: How do you coordinate integration into into Wikipedia, say from Commons?

  4. COMPETITION: What is the competition for this media or data type?

  5. CATEGORIZATION: What is the state of categorization of their data/media? 


  1. COACHING: How much coaching does the client need vs how much can they do themselves?

  2. CONTRACT: Is it necessary to contract a WIR to handle the technical and social work?

  3. CODING: Is there a technical solution to automate content placement?

  4. COST: What is their cost appetite?

  5. COMPENSATION: What kind of compensation are you expecting for your coaching and what level/depth/length of guidance would that provide?


  1. CONCEPT: How will your brand this initiative in a simple yet compelling way?

  2. CHRONOLOGY: What is the timeline from planning through execution and to review?

  3. COMMUNICATIONS: What communications (blogs, onwiki outreach, social media, white papers, news) will support your efforts?

  4. COLLABORATION: Who do you need to work with in order to achieve your goals?

  5. CRITERIA: What numerical metrics will show impact and demonstrate success?

The intricate nature of Wikipedia content partnerships requires thorough examination, evaluation, and understanding. Addressing these 20 core elements provides a comprehensive roadmap to navigate the complexities of such collaborations. By ensuring that every partnership aligns with Wikimedia's mission, respects the community's values, and brings value to the broader audience, we can continue to bolster the encyclopedia's richness and reliability. As we embark on future partnerships, using this list as a guideline will not only mitigate risks but also maximize the potential for positive impact and meaningful contributions to the world of knowledge.

WikiBlueprint is an open knowledge, open access, and especially Wikipedia consultancy. Reach out at wikiblueprint.com.


30 Signs of Great Wikimedia Partnerships


Wikipedia Partnership Manifesto